How Well Do You Know These Famous Shakespearean Monologues?

Can you remember that tricky line? Test your knowledge of these iconic monologues!

1) Everyone knows "To be, or not to be, that is the question." But what comes after that?

2) In "I left no ring with her," who is "her"?
3) Fill in the blank: "Friends, Romans, countrymen, _____ me your ears"

4) What makes "the winter of our discontent" a "glorious summer"?
5) Towards whose lodging should the "fiery-footed steeds" gallop?


6) How many stages of man are there, according to Jacques?

7) Fill in the blank: "How happy some o'er other ____ can be!"

8) What place does the monologue reference after the line in Question 7?
9) What does Macbeth "see before" him?

10) At the end of "But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?," what does Romeo wish he were?


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